Who We Are

We Are Dedicated Independent Researchers Fighting For Environmental and Social injustices


We Deliver Real Impact

The Simularity Foundation uses Geospatial Data to create free reports and educational programs. We expose environmental and social injustices, illicit activity, and human rights violations to help realize the promise of a free world

Our researchers use  publicly available data combined with private data and state of the art Artificial intelligence. Our approach helps identify important data and trends to uncover the truth. We then verify all facts before any report is published.

Our impact has been significant for the South China Sea conflict. We were one of the first to report on Chinese occupying Philippines islands  in the South China Sea.

Specifically regarding the South China Sea conflict, our report were published in more than 50 leading media. We also had educational webinar with leading policy influencers to train & educate them on how to discover the truth.

We have also focused on illegal deforestation in South America and illegal  construction in Southern Europe affecting disadvantaged population.


— Our Mission

We investigate, find the truth, verify the facts and share the information in our free Geospatial reports.


— Our Vision

Everyone deserves access to trustworthy sources of news.


— Our Story

We are technologist always driven to make a positive impact. By chance and through many iterations, we found that our technology could be applied for greater good. We are small international team of experience investigators and technologists.

Our Directors

Liz Derr

Ray Richardson

Eva Swan